8.50am Introduction: Prof John Hampton

9.00am Opening Address Professor Grant Edwards, Vice Chancellor, Lincoln University

Building resilience by producing well-educated people for the land-based industries

9.25am  Professor Richard McDowell, Chief Scientist, National Science Challenge: Our Land and Water

 Building resilience in land and water for 2050

9.55am  Grant Matthews, Principal Adviser, MPI

Managing biosecurity risks in production systems

10.20am Morning Tea

10.45am Jon Manhire, The Agribusiness Group

Creating resilient agribusinesses

11.10am Dr Nick Cradock-Henry, Principal Social Scientist, GNS

How can we build resilience in our rural communities and the industries they support?

11.35am Dr Robyn Dynes, Senior Scientist, AgResearch

Climate resilience in pastoral systems

12 noon  Jo Drummond, Senior Researcher – Cereals, FAR

Building resilience into high value export and domestic cropping systems

12.30pm  Lunch

1.15pm Associate Professor Clive Kaiser, Lincoln University

Building resilience in horticultural production – learnings from Cyclone Gabrielle

1.40pm Dr John Saunders, Economist, Lincoln University

The economics of agriculture under climate change

2.05pm Angela Clifford, Co-founder, Eat New Zealand

Building strategies for food security

2.30pm  Karen Williams, National Rural Propositions Manager, FMG

Managing and mitigating risk in the land and land-based primary industries

