Purpose: The Postgraduate Award is the third premier award of NZIAHS. This award is to encourage and assist postgraduate research scientists in either the later stages of their PhD or in the first year of a Postdoctoral research position to attend and present their research at an international conference being held outside New Zealand relevant to primary resource science and that will promote agricultural and horticultural science in New Zealand. The Institute sees this as a premier award and so will award only one per year to the top nominee. Where no nominations are received that meet the criteria, no award will be made.
Value: This award will contribute up to $3,000 towards the costs (airfares, accommodation and conference registration) of attending an international conference.
Eligibility: Nominees should be NZIAHS Full, Associate or Student Members and have been members of the Institute for at least two years to qualify for the award.
Procedure: All nominations must be on the NZIAHS nomination form. Nominations should include a curriculum vitae and evidence of what the nominee will be presenting at the conference (abstract, manuscript, poster, oral presentation).
Nominations will be measured against the following criteria:
- Scientific merit of the abstract/paper to be presented at the conference
- Significance of the conference the nominee is attending
- Curriculum vitae and demonstrated research ability of the nominee
Follow-up: A short report on the conference is required for publication in AgScience.
Selection: Nominations are first reviewed by the NZIAHS Awards Committee and then further reviewed by NZIAHS Council.