Inaugural special issue: New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research

The New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research (NZJAR) established a publishing partnership with the New Zealand Society of Animal Production (NZSAP) in 2023. Under this agreement, a recurring special issue of the NZJAR will be published annually, featuring submissions from the New Zealand Society of Animal Production Annual Conference.

The inaugural special issue, derived from selected papers from the 2023 NZSAP conference, has been compiled this week. Most of the papers were published open access.

The Guest Editors are Rene Corner-Thomas (Massey University), Rhiannon Handcock (DairyNZ), and Nick Sneddon (Massey University).

The special issue includes an editorial, A snapshot of research in animal production in New Zealand, written by the guest editors.

The special issue also includes a review article, ‘Mānuka honey as Rongoā for animals in agriculture‘, and a rapid communication ‘Methane emissions intensity in grazing dairy cows fed graded levels of concentrate pellets‘.

The 2024 Annual New Zealand Society of Animal Production Conference will be held from 5-7 November 2024, in Oamaru, in conjunction with the NZ Grasslands Association and the NZ Agronomy Society.

Source:  Royal Society of New Zealand


Author: Bob Edlin

Editor of AgScience Magazine and Editor of the AgScience Blog