Obituary: Terry Brosnahan

Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s Facebook page records the death of Terry Brosnahan, long-time editor of Country-Wide magazine, on 13 March after a long battle with cancer.

B+LNZ said:

The multi award-winning agricultural journalist was well-known and highly respected by the primary sector, particularly in the sheep, beef and arable industries. He was much loved by the Country-Wide readership who appreciated his straight-forward, no nonsense style of journalism and dry sense of humour.

Terry always had his farmer readers front of mind when writing articles and deciding on content. It had to add value, it had to be well-written, and it had to be factual. He was a stickler for science-based information. The tag-line on his email signature read “a journalist gathers the facts without fear or favour to bring the reader closer to the truth”; this was his mantra.

B+LNZ acknowledge the huge contribution Terry made to this country’s agricultural industry and send condolences to his family and friends.

Among the tributes recorded on the Facebook page, former NZIAHS president Jon Hickford says Mr Brosnahan was a great journalist, a good man, and a huge loss to NZ agriculture.

“He will be missed.”

Source:  B+LNZ

Author: Bob Edlin

Editor of AgScience Magazine and Editor of the AgScience Blog