Owl Farm is going strong in the face of challenges

A focus day at a dairy demonstration farm this week will reflect on the standout progress the North Island farm has made during “an incredibly challenging season”, says Demonstration Manager Louise Cook.

A 16 per cent lift in standardised profit shows the strength of journey Owl Farm is on, despite milk production being lower than the year before, she says

The demonstration farm, located in Cambridge, is a joint venture between St Peter’s School and Lincoln University and aims to help build a profitable and sustainable dairy farming future.

Ms Cook says the focus day will include a discussion on how the farm’s use of plantain has improved operations over the past 12 months.

“One year on, we’ve learned a number of things about integrating plantain into our dairy farm.

“We’ll also talk about how we’ve been supported to optimise soil fertility levels and ensure we use the right product at the right time to get the best out of our fertiliser inputs.”

The focus day will conclude with a review of the changes in the Waikato River Plan change variation and what this means for Owl Farm.

The event is open to the public.


Wednesday, 23 May, 10.15am-12.30pm, followed by lunch

1716 Cambridge Road, State Highway 1, Cambridge (3km north of Cambridge on SH1)

Source: Lincoln University

Author: Bob Edlin

Editor of AgScience Magazine and Editor of the AgScience Blog

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