What is best food? How is it grown and produced? Do consumers care?
The Kete Ora Trust has commissioned Plant & Food Research to compare the nutrient density of food produced from biodynamic, organic, and non-organic systems, and consumer perceptions of such food in New Zealand.
“We want to provide the evidence that shows how healthy living soil enhances nutrient density in food, and provides higher levels of the vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals relevant to human health,” says Kete Ora Trustee and organic and biodynamic olive producer, Ross Vintiner.
“Surprisingly, while there is research on farming production, few studies examine the nutrient density of food from farming practices. It’s information that we believe producers need, consumers want, and decision-makers could benefit from. Producing the healthiest food is a top priority for human, animal and environmental health.”
This research will add to existing field studies from New Zealand and overseas which have shown that biodynamic and organic soils have higher biological and physical qualities compared to soil from non-organic systems. Other studies show that organic and biodynamic crops have higher nutrient content most of the time, although there has been little research done that directly compares nutrient density of food produced from biodynamic, organic, and non-organic systems.
The new research will be in three stages
- Identifying and reviewing existing research
- Looking at where the gaps are in the research
- Selecting and carrying out applied research
Kete Ora Trust is funding Plant & Food Research to carry out the first two stages and will be looking for funding partners for the applied research at stage three.
Plant & Food Research has begun the research and is expected to report back to Kete Ora Trust this year on the first two stages of the research.
The Kete Ora Trust was founded in 1997 by the Bio Dynamic Farming and Gardening Association in New Zealand (Inc.).
It invests in, and supports education and research into biodynamic, organic and regenerative land use in New Zealand. For 25 years, we have used our sector insight to connect 100 percent of donated funds to inspiring programmes helping future-proof land use, communities, environment and climate.
The Trust accepts funding applications at any time.
Source: Kete Ora Trust